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Tarvin Parish Council
Parish Councillors – sketch
Next Parish Council meeting
Monday 24th June 2024 at 7.15pm

Meeting venue: Edna Rose Room, Tarvin Community Centre

Tarvin Parish Council is part of the first tier of local government. Our role is to represent the local community, provide services to meet local needs and improve the quality of life for our community. We represent Parish views and objectives to other bodies, in particular Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council (CWaC), the upper tier of local government.

We aim to operate in an open, democratic way and to the highest standards of stewardship given that we are spending public money and the Council is part of the community. All Parish Council meetings are open meetings and members of the public are most welcome to attend and listen to the debates.

If you want to come along to a meeting but don't want to stay until the end that is not a problem. Come and join us and then leave when you wish to do so. All we ask is that you come and go quietly. Meetings are normally held on the 4th Monday evening each month and are held in the Edna Rose Room, Tarvin Community Centre, Meadow Close, Tarvin normally starting at 7:15pm. The first 15 minutes of each meeting is a public forum where anyone can have his or her say on any local matter.

Meeting dates for 2024

Monday 22nd January 2024 *includes the Presentation of the Freedom of the Parish to Mr David Cotgreave
Monday 26th February 2024
Tuesday 12th March 2024 – Planning Committee Meeting
Monday 25th March 2024
Monday 22nd April 2024
Monday 20th May 2024
Monday 24th June 2024
Monday 22nd July 2024
Monday 19th August 2024
Monday 23rd September 2024
Monday 28th October 2024
Monday 25th November 2024
Monday 16th December 2024

© 2024 – Tarvin Parish Council