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Planning matters

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Change of Use of land for use as traveller site – Land at Tarporley Road, Tarvin

Tarvin Parish Council considered the following Planning Application at the Council meeting held on Monday evening 26th October 2020 and as requested Council's response to Cheshire West and Chester Council is being published on this site.

20/03392/FUL – Change of Use of land for use as traveller site consisting of 1 static caravan, 5 trailer caravans, day room, septic tank and landscaping – Land at Tarporley Road, Tarvin
The Council objected to the proposal and the objections fall into four distinct areas as summarised below.
This application:
a) fails to comply with national planning guidelines
b) does not accord with the CWaC Development Plan
c) breaches the Tarvin Neighbourhood Development Plan; and
d) the site entrance is in a dangerous position because of its proximity to the A51 and the nearby public layby

In addition, the application is retrospective, work has been carried out without permission and it does not accord with the existing approval. The Parish Council feels that such action is grossly unfair on the majority of applicants who adhere to their permission even though their plans may have been modified by the planning process.
To read the full response please click on the link below.

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