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Tarvin Community Woodland Trust

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Following completion of the Tarvin south-western bypass in 1987, a screened open space was left alongside the road approximately 1 kilometre in length.

The space sits between the A51 and existing housing and the village primary school, which has direct access via a gate. A bridleway also runs along the road boundary.

In 1997, after four years of negotiation with the Highways Agency, a licence to use the land as a public amenity was granted to Tarvin Parish Council. A sub-committee was appointed to create the woodland amenity at no cost to the council.

In 2016, the Trust acquired land adjoining the A51 border with the Saxon Heath development, enabling the extension of the linear footpath from Townfield Lane through to Cross Lanes.

Today, the Tarvin Community Woodland Trust manages a 13 acre / 5 hectare site. The Tarvin Community Woodland Trust website contains a wealth of detail.

The Coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has reinforced the value of the woodland to the local community, providing a vital green space corridor for residents' outdoor daily exercise.

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